Bouquet Subscriptions

Celebrate spring & summer with an uplifting bouquet subscription.

Elevate your space with our lush flower subscriptions! The magic of spring is undeniable with our Spring Bouquet Subscription; the dahlias won’t disappoint during the Summer Bouquet Subscription, or treat yourself or a loved one to a monthly masterpiece with our Full-Season Flower Arrangement Subscription.

Each delivery of blooms is the culmination or our labor of love. Carefully crafted using sustainable practices and with focused intention. Refresh your surroundings and pamper yourself or a loved one with the embodiment of hope, flowers. Start your floral adventure by subscribing now!

We are proud to be working with Julie & Jim of Synchrony Farm to bring you a wider variety of locally-grown flowers.

Did you know —

A CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, allows customers to purchase a share of a farm's flower harvest in advance. This model not only supports local agriculture but also provides customers with fresh, seasonal flowers that are often more affordable than purchasing from a traditional florist.

Our flower CSA offers both seasonal and monthly bouquet options that are unique, beautiful, and carefully curated with a variety of flowers, foliage, and other botanical elements!

By joining our flower CSA, you are supporting local agriculture and bringing the beauty of the season into your home. Whether it's a vase of narcissus in the spring, a lush dahlia bouquet in the summer, or a cozy arrangement of autumnal hues in the fall, our CSA members can look forward to a season's worth of stunning flowers.